Are you looking for a job?

we offer assembly works in electronic, automobile, building and engineering industry and for completion and expending of our databaze we look for flexible and industrious workers that are willing to work also out of the place of residence

- we also look for the employees with welding licence, metalworkers, drivers of fork-lift truck and other professions

- in case we offer You a position and You sign a contract of employment, You are employees of the agency of temporary employment all the time, that pays You the salary and other fees. The agency will assign You to particular client (of company).

- in case of interest, please fill in the questionnaire. When we have some offer for You, we will contact You.

Questionnaire for a candidate for a job

Name, surname
Street and number
Postal code
Phone number
Driving licence

By sending of this questionnaire You agree that data that You filled in are to be stored in database of company My-stav s.r.o. Data are considered as a private information and come under the law about the protection of personal data.
My-stav, s. r. o.
Kpt. Pavlíka 611/14
089 01 Svidník
Slovak republic

IČO: 36453374
DIČ: SK2020002149

Stropkovská 633/3
089 01 Svidník
Slovak republic
Tel.: +421 54 7881320-1,2
Fax: +421 54 7881320
Mobile: +421 915 858858, + 421 907 908356

The company is registered:
District court Prešov, Business register in Section sro, inset no. 10974/P.

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© My-stav, s. r. o.