Do You have insufficient number of employees? Our agency employs cca 120 employees and many candidates, therefore we can solve Your problem. We are on the market since 1998.
- we offer specialized services at the high level to all customers
- we do not distinguish between small and big, our goal is a complete satisfaction of a customer
- our solicitousness, dedicated to customers and employees, differs us from competition on the market.
- main point of our strategy is flexibility, reliability and professionality of our employees
- we always try to make better conditions to our employees than the competition does
- our company always obeys the laws and rules of Slovak republic, and/or of the country we run our business in. We observe the laws and all other legal regulations, regarding pertaining area, business ethics, protection of health and safety at work and also the protection of environment.
The licence of Ministry of Work, Social Things and Family of Slovak republic:
My-stav company s.r.o. agency of temporary employment have become the holder of the licence of Ministry of Work, Social Things and Family of Slovak republic no. 1499/2005-OSS from 17.02.2005 according to the law NR SR number 5/2004 digest about the services of the employments and about the change and filling up of some laws in wording of later regulations such as agency of temporary employment.
Siemens Elektromotory s.r.o.
Europe Concepcion Process Slovakuie, s.r.o. Bratislava
Rubena a.s. Hradec Králové
Unex a.s.
Vitkovice a.s.
Bastro a.s.
VSO dřevo s.r.o. Holubice
Hutne stavby a.s. Košice
Sibamac a.s. Trnava
Strabag a.s. Praha
Cz Kovos s.r.o. Moravská Ostrava